Chairman's Message

Message from the

Chairman's Desk

Greeting to Everyone!

On behalf of Smart Desert Group, we would like to welcome you to our organization. In the 34 years that we have bridged the business community to expand our trade and investment relations between UAE and the rest of the world, SDG has achieved important accomplishments that addresses the needs of our rapidly expanding and vibrant economy.

SDG is determined to always lead a participate in a convening and collaborating with different sectors to build healthy business ecosystem and support those already working to make our community stronger to ensure maximum opprtunity to succeed.

There is no denying that the advent of Metaverse will revolutionize our lives. A new frontier of converging technologies will shape our future - an immersive, interconnected 3D world in which Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificail Intelligence, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies will redefine how we live, work and socialize. At this juncture, we have taken an imprative step to have our presence and optimistically become one of the pioneers in this field.

We are proud to have been recognized by some of the most important government and private entities in the GCC and beyond. With our diverse portfolio, we have built strong working relationships which led to successful collaborations in trading, investment art, and technology and we look forward to sustaining these alliances as part of our legacy.

As Chairman of SDG, I say that our door is always open. we want you as a partner in support of our mission to foster economic growth through innovation in technology. We invite all to take part so we can achieve success together and we look forward to furthering our common goals.



Chairman, Smart Desert Group, Dubai, UAE